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2023浙江中医药大学招聘公告(Job Advertisement)

发布时间:2023年11月16日 阅读量:16 作者:事业单位

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2023浙江中医药大学招聘公告(Job Advertisement)


Post Title: Lab manager (LM), postdoc (PD) and PhD positions in Cancer Cell Signalling lab


Employer: Zhejiang Chinese Medical University (ZCMU)

地 点:中国 浙江杭州

Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

待 遇:医院编制,享受五险一金等福利待遇,由申请人的经验和技能水平决定有竞争力的奖金。

Treatment & Salary: All enter the post system. Benefits such as five social insurance and one housing fund, and competitive bonus determined by the level of experience and skill set of the applicants.


Closing date: 31/03/2024


Expected start date: May/June 2024


Essential criteria for Lab manager (LM) / postdoc (PD) and PhD (PhD) posts:

l 优秀的中英文书面及口语能力(LM、PD和PhD)。

Excellent written/spoken knowledge of English and Chinese languages (LM, PD and PhD).

l 生物化学、分子/细胞生物学博士学位或同等学历(LM和PD)。

PhD in biochemistry, molecular/cellular biology or equivalent (LM and PD).

l 以第一作者在知名期刊上至少发表一篇论文(PD)。

A minimum of one first author publication in a reputable journal (PD).

l 在生物化学、分子/细胞和癌症生物学技术方面的高级技能(LM和PD)。

Advanced skills in biochemistry, molecular/cellular and cancer biology techniques (LM and PD).

l 致力于在一个竞争激烈的领域工作(LM、PD和PhD)。

Commitment to work in a highly competitive field (LM, PD and PhD).

l 具有写科学论文、基金标书和准备高质量数据的能力。

A demonstrated ability to write scientific papers/grants and prepare high-quality figures.

l 能够独立地推动一个研究项目和数据分析(PD)。

Ability to independently drive a research project and analyse data (PD).

l 作为一个团队的一部分,能够主动地、无需监督地单独工作(LM、PD和PhD)。

Ability to work individually on own initiative and without close supervision, and as part of a team (LM PD and PhD).

l 优秀的组织、口头、书面沟通技巧(LM、PD和PhD)。

Excellent organizational and oral/written communication skills (LM, PD and PhD).

l 能够优先考虑并完成最后期限(LM、PD和PhD)。

Ability to prioritize and meet deadlines (LM, PD and PhD).

l 优秀的演示文稿和IT技能(LM、PD和PhD)。

Excellent presentation and IT skills (LM, PD and PhD).

l 准确和完整的保留实验室工作记录(LM、PD和PhD)。

Keeping accurate and complete records of lab work (LM, PD and PhD).

l 诚实、积极、独立,严格遵守科研职业道德(LM、PD和PhD)。

Honesty, motivation, demonstrable independence, commitment and a strong work ethic (LM, PD and PhD).

浙江中医药大学(滨文校区)新成立的乔治奥斯.贾马斯(Georgios Giamas)教授的癌症转化研究实验室,现有各种研究职位(包括1个实验室管理员、1个博士后和2个博士职位)招聘。这是一个积极的、充满活力的研究小组,提供一个激励性和支持性的研究环境,致力于卓越的研究,并着力培养学员和初级教员的科学职业生涯。

Various research positions (including 1x lab manager, 1x postdoctoral and 2x PhD positions) are available in the newly established translational cancer research laboratory of Professor Georgios Giamas at ZCMU (Binwen Campus). We are an active, vibrant research group and provide a stimulating and supportive research environment. We are committed to research excellence and to nurturing scientific careers amongst our trainees and junior faculty.





Available research projects include, but are not limited to:

l ‘Identification of novel druggable targets within the breast and brain tumour microenvironments’;

l ‘Identification of solid tumours biomarkers in extracellular vesicles-based liquid biopsies’;

l ‘Elucidation of the signalling pathways that LMTK3 is implicated in, in cancer and other disease/disorders’.


Our work combines a variety of in vitro, in vivo models and patients' specimens to study relevant pathways in cancer. An overview of research within the Giamas lab can be found at: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/lifesci/giamaslab/


Please contact Prof. Georgios Giamas (g,giamas@sussex.ac.uk) for informal enquiries.

正式申请时请附有一份完整的个人简历和三名学术推荐人的姓名。请将上述材料发送到乔治奥斯.贾马斯邮箱(Email: g.giamas@sussex.ac.uk);同步将材料抄送给附属第一医院人事科刘振东老师的邮箱(zjszyyzzrsb@163.com;+86-057187071816)。

Formal applications should be accompanied by a full CV and the names of three academic referees. Please send these materials to Prof. Georgios Giamas (g,giamas@sussex.ac.uk) and CC email to Dr. Zhendong Liu (zjszyyzzrsb@163.com;+86-057187071816).







Brief Introduction of ZCMU

Zhejiang Chinese Medical University (ZCMU) is a modern university located near the south bank of Qiantang River, in the city of Hangzhou, a world-famous tourist destination known for its beautiful scenery and rich cultural heritage. ZCMU is a key university in Zhejiang Province, P. R. China, jointly established by the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.

The university now has two campuses covering with the total area exceeding 470,000 square meters. ZCMU enrolls over 22,000 full-time students, including over 5,200 doctoral and master degree students, and over 800 international students. ZCMU is among the first batch of universities in China to recruit and cultivate postgraduates of TCM, and takes the lead among Zhejiang provincial universities eligible of awarding doctoral degrees and establishing post-doctoral research stations. Now, ZCMU is a teaching and research-oriented university with TCM and Chinese Materia Medica as its leading subjects, combined with contemporary life science subjects. ZCMU is presently comprised of 18 schools and has 4 directly affiliated hospitals. Moreover, there are additional 21 Hospitals located in different cities of Zhejiang Province indirectly affiliated with ZCMU.

ZCMU is a national demonstration base for cultivating innovative talents. It has independently cultivated a number of high-level talents, including Members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Masters of TCM, National “Ten Thousand Talent Program” Leading Talents, Chief Scientist of the 973 Program, and National Famous Doctors of TCM etc. Currently, ZCMU employs 1,300 faculty and staff, and among them, over 330 with senior professional titles, including Members of the Academia Europaea, Distinguished Professors holding the title of “the Cheung Kong Scholar” awarded by the Ministry of Education of P.R.C, recipients of National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar and of National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholar Awards, etc.

ZCMU promotes established and new disciplines with emphasis on scientific technology innovation. ZCMU was within the first batch of Zhejiang provincial universities that have been awarded national key discipline. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Materia Medica are among the second batch of characteristic and preponderant key disciplines of Zhejiang Province. It has 3 A-class and 6 B-class discipline construction programs of Zhejiang “13th Five-Year-Plan”. It has 2 national clinical research bases of TCM and a number of science and innovation platforms. The Research Fields of ZCMU, including Clinical Medicine, Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Biology and Biochemistry, rank at the top 1% of global ranking based on Essential Science Indicators.

In the new era, ZCMU has been and will continue to adhere to the motto of “Seek the Origin at High Aspiration”, and the philosophy of “Student-centered, Academics-prioritized”, and commits to building a first-class TCM university characterized by cultural inheritance and innovation.

More detailed information about the University/available facilities can be find in following link


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